I'm excited to announce that my article about this engaging first grade lesson was published in the January/February issue of School Arts Magazine. In it I explain how my students learned to animate their expressive robot drawings with a glowing symbol. This transdigital technique combined physical art making and digital animation to help their robots show what they are feeling inside. They used their voice to put words to this eMotion as they recorded a short video. I created a mini-course that takes you step by step through the process using the DoInk app, iPad, and inspiration from Rembrandt. All the resources are included.
View the Published SEL + Tech Article
SEL Mini-Course Designed for Elementary Students

The edtech tools we used to make this project successful included iPads loaded with the Do Ink Animation and Drawing App. This app plays the animated symbol in an endless loop. We can customize it's placement, colors, and backgrounds to maximize the illusion that the robot is glowing with symbolic eMotion. I include step by step directions in the mini-course. My first graders were animating in no time.
The iPad stand by Dewey (bit.ly/PETERstand) holds the iPad still over the subject as we record the transdigital art experience using the iPad's built in camera/video recording app.
Student Examples expressing eMotions
Inspired by the SEL Book, PETER O'METER
This lesson is inspired by PETER O'METER, a robot who becomes emotional when his buttons are pushed. Explore all the resources created for this augmented reality SEL children's book here including a FREE 50+ page STEAM + SEL packet of activities.